Friday, April 8, 2011

Random Hilarious Facebook Statuses...or NOT!

This is my first ever blog post and to be quite honest, I have no idea what I'm doing. A grammar sucks. I use way too many commas and the three evil dots! I've been told I have a twisted sense of humor and should keep things to myself but I have so much to say that I had to find a way to get it out, so here I am!! Oh yeah, I love run on sentences and exclamation points too!! I'm a major smartass, or so I've been told, but I'm missing that filter that goes between my brain and my mouth and if it crosses my mind, it crosses my lips. I tend to throw cuss words around like it's nothing, sorry ahead of time for that! I figured for my first blog that I'd share some crazy shit that has crossed my mind or that I've read somewhere.

My husband once asked me if he was driving me crazy. I had always heard "short trip" in response to someone saying "You're driving me crazy!!". With that in mind, I laughed and said "Baby, if you were driving me crazy it would be a very short reverse!" I've used it many times sense and passed it along to some of my crazy friends! I'm sure I wasn't the first person to say that, but I'm delusional enough to believe it! LOL

This doesn't really fall into the categories I said I was going to talk about but I'm random like that with it! hehe! So, when I was little I used to call raisins "rarus". Sometimes I still do it! I will say "yum, rarus" or something else random like that. My poor husband just looks at me like "well, she's at it again!" haha! Gotta love him.

I'm in love with these "fail" sites. Failblog, damnyouautocorrect, things like that. They crack me up with some of the random stuff you come across. Some people kill me with their stupidity!! But, I'm starting to believe these people are around for my enjoyment! hehe. I know, that's mean...but it gets me through the day. I'm going to post a couple more blogs...hopefully I'll actually stick to my title one or two of those times! :D

I know this is totally random but that's me and that's my life & I love it!! I hope maybe you get a laugh or two.  Peace, Love, n Chicken Grease!

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